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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Looks like a duck
I was sitting here contemplating Joe Biden’s remark about a duck. He said if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.
Then I thought about Donald Duck, the movie star. Donald walked like a duck, looked almost like a duck, but he didn’t talk like a duck, because Donald was not a real duck.
He was really nothing but ink on a piece of paper, a figment of Disney’s imagination. At the movies we allowed ourselves to be mesmerized and entertained by this talking duck, but we knew he was not a real duck.
Joe’s remark kept bugging me. Then I noticed this flock of black birds all over my trees and backyard. They were grackles, hundreds of them, and they all look alike.
That reminded me of the adage "Birds of a feather flock together".
Then I thought of Obama, and Ayers, and Wright, and Farakon, and Kenya, and Muslims, and the thought of birds of a feather flock together.
Then, there is the proverb "A man is known by the company he keeps".
I think all this and then I hear that Obama, who has "hung" out with these buddies most his adult life, is not like them. But birds of a feather..........
Excuse me if I am confused. I hear him refer to his Muslim faith, and..oops, I mean Christian faith. He sat in the pew listening to Mr. Wright spew hatred for America for 20 years, but he never heard him say those hateful words.
Yet he espouses to love America and want to change it. Change it how? America, the greatest nation on earth, and he want to change it. How?
Excuse me if I am confused.
It seems we have a Trojan horse in our midst. Americans are all fascinated by this orator with wonderful sounding words with no substance. Come the night the enemy from within the horse will be unleashed, and our party will be over.
We have been inundated by HATE since the Vietnam war. Hate for good, hate for our military, Hate for America. Since 2000 hate has consumed the radicals, the media, Hollywood nuts, and the liberal Democrats. Hate for our president, hate for America---just hate-hate-hate.
Slowly our moral, Christian, ethical attitudes and love for America have been destroyed.
Some call it THE FROG THEORY.
If you drop a frog into a pot of boiling water, he will immediately jump out. However, if you put a frog in a pot of cold water, slowly heat the water, he doesn’t realized he is being cooked UNTIL it is too late.
Are we too late?

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