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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dry bones

Jacob, sometimes I get concerned. I know you have your plate full, but When you don't comment on a comment, I wonder whether my generation is or is not expressing views similar to your generation.
When I was working and had employees under me, we had an agreement. If I disagreed with something an employee said or did, I would say so. If an employee disagreed with something I said or did, he was to challenge me. In the end we might do things my way, OR maybe not.
All of us did better and were happy with this understanding.
What I am saying is-------------if you disagree with something I say, then please say so, and why.
We are a product of our environment and I have had 85 years of it, so my brain has been twisted, jolted, reprimanded, conjoled. "Facts" have been digested, accepted, and rejected. Knowledge has been stored, sometimes in recall, sometimes in secret and locked compartments, never to be seen or heard from again.
So, my friend, I want you to know I am very proud to call you my friend, and the last thing I want is for you to think of me as a babbling old coot who has passed his prime.
Advice is free, and often it is worth about what it cost.
October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Beloved U.S. Department of ?Education?

Did you know:

The U.S. Department of Education

1. Currently administers a budget of $63.7 billion in FY 2010 discretionary appropriations (including discretionary Pell Grant funding) and $96.8 billion in discretionary funding
(That’s $160 Billion)

2. Serves nearly 14,000 school districts and approximately 56 million students attending some 99,000 public schools and 34,000 private schools, and more than 14 million postsecondary students. (That’s 70,000,000 students)

3. Has 4200 employees

4. The United States constitution provides NO authority for the Federal Government to control EDUCATION. (DE admits “Education in America is primarily a State and local responsibility,” i.e: parents and teachers BUT……..)

5. Texas normally receives about $3.1 Billion in FED funds per year, or 10% of its education budget.

6. For that 10% Texas forfeits:
A. Its right to set the educational agenda
B. What can and cannot be taught
C. Control of the “school breakfast, lunch, and dinner” menu.
D. The right to determine the ratio of students/to/teacher.
E. The right, (to some extent) to attend school of choice.

7. Is withholding $830 million in allocated funds, because Texas will not agree to a DE demand that Texas violate its constitution. (A state-specific provision inserted into a federal law by a Democratic Texas congressman --U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, --requires that Republican Gov. Rick Perry promise Texas will maintain certain education spending levels through 2013 in order to get the funds. Perry has called the requirement unconstitutional because the Texas Constitution prohibits him from committing future state spending.)

8. The $160 Billion DE Budget also regulates and funds the following “couldn’t do without programs”!!
College and Career Ready Students (ESEA Title I Grants to LEAs)
School Turnaround Grants (School Improvement Grants)
Even Start
State Agency Program—Migrant
State Agency Program—Neglected and Delinquent
Improving Teacher Quality State Grants
Mathematics and Science Partnerships
Educational Technology State Grants
21st Century Community Learning Centers
Assessing Achievement (State Assessments)
Rural and Low-Income Schools Program
Small, Rural School Achievement Program
Indian Education—Grants to Local Educational Agencies
English Learner Education (Language Acquisition State Grants)
Homeless Children and Youth Education
Byrd Honors Scholarships
College Access Challenge Grants
Vocational Rehabilitation State Grants
Client Assistance State Grants
Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights
Services for Older Blind Individuals
Assistive Technology State Grants
Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology
Adult Basic and Literacy Education State Grants
English Literacy and Civics Education State Grants
State Grants for Workplace and Community Transition Training for Incarcerated Individuals

Beloved U.S. Department of ?Education?

Did you know:

The U.S. Department of Education

1. Currently administers a budget of $63.7 billion in FY 2010 discretionary appropriations (including discretionary Pell Grant funding) and $96.8 billion in discretionary funding
(That’s $160 Billion)

2. Serves nearly 14,000 school districts and approximately 56 million students attending some 99,000 public schools and 34,000 private schools, and more than 14 million postsecondary students. (That’s 70,000,000 students)

3. Has 4200 employees

4. The United States constitution provides NO authority for the Federal Government to control EDUCATION. (DE admits “Education in America is primarily a State and local responsibility,” i.e: parents and teachers BUT……..)

5. Texas normally receives about $3.1 Billion in FED funds per year, or 10% of its education budget.

6. For that 10% Texas forfeits:
A. Its right to set the educational agenda
B. What can and cannot be taught
C. Control of the “school breakfast, lunch, and dinner” menu.
D. The right to determine the ratio of students/to/teacher.
E. The right, (to some extent) to attend school of choice.

7. Is withholding $830 million in allocated funds, because Texas will not agree to a DE demand that Texas violate its constitution. (A state-specific provision inserted into a federal law by a Democratic Texas congressman --U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, --requires that Republican Gov. Rick Perry promise Texas will maintain certain education spending levels through 2013 in order to get the funds. Perry has called the requirement unconstitutional because the Texas Constitution prohibits him from committing future state spending.)

8. The $160 Billion DE Budget also regulates and funds the following “couldn’t do without programs”!!
College and Career Ready Students (ESEA Title I Grants to LEAs)
School Turnaround Grants (School Improvement Grants)
Even Start
State Agency Program—Migrant
State Agency Program—Neglected and Delinquent
Improving Teacher Quality State Grants
Mathematics and Science Partnerships
Educational Technology State Grants
21st Century Community Learning Centers
Assessing Achievement (State Assessments)
Rural and Low-Income Schools Program
Small, Rural School Achievement Program
Indian Education—Grants to Local Educational Agencies
English Learner Education (Language Acquisition State Grants)
Homeless Children and Youth Education
Byrd Honors Scholarships
College Access Challenge Grants
Vocational Rehabilitation State Grants
Client Assistance State Grants
Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights
Services for Older Blind Individuals
Assistive Technology State Grants
Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology
Adult Basic and Literacy Education State Grants
English Literacy and Civics Education State Grants
State Grants for Workplace and Community Transition Training for Incarcerated Individuals