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Saturday, December 11, 2010

When you read this........

…..When you read this………….

Voting on before reading

James Madison was our 4th President and noted “Father” of the constitution. He is noted for his wisdom and many jewels of common sense.
I came across this quote and it is so appropriate it could have been written today!!

“It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men
Of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood:
If they are repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man,
Who knows what the law is today, can guess what it will be tomorrow.”


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sorry, Sad, and Mad

November 30, 2010
Today some Rino republicans and democrats passed the 'Food Safety Modernization Act' and the rope tightens a little tighter around freedom in America.
Although virtually unregulated, America has been the breadbasket for the world for over a century. Now we see another piece of "CHANGE" plan Obama had in store for us.
Piece by piece we are being forced into serfdom.
Think about it.
General Motors-----appropriately renamed Government Motors
Banks--------owned by and obligated to the Fed
Student loans-----by the benevolent Fed
Health care-------planned destruction of the world's best health care system
Illegals-------coddling, caring for, protecting,and feeding future voters
Now!!! the food chain.
This bill gives dictatorial power to the Dept. of Agriculture, The Food and Drug Administration, Health and Human Services, to decide:
1. Who raises food
2. What food is raised
3. What you will have to eat
4. What food children in the FREE breakfast and lunch problem can eat.
5. What foods, at whelm of the Secretary, need to be recalled.
6. What can be exported
7. What can be imported
8. Semi-annual inspections of food preparers (manufacturers, Groceries, restaurants, McDonald's, )
9. Tons of reports
10. Tens of thousands of new federal employee police persons, accountants, paper pushers, etc.
Who is happy about this bill?
Monsanto comes to mind, and large commercial food companies. Coincidentally, George Soros, the master planner of America's demise, is ecstatic. He just happens to own a large part of Monsanto and stands to make enormous profits.
But not the "farmer". He will be regulated completely out of business.
And your garden will be in danger because you are too stupid to know what is best for you.
Soon, if the trend continues, we will be completely subservient to Uncle Fed. The Obama-care already provides for your demise when you become TOO EXPENSIVE to keep around. It is conceivable you will eventually have a caretaker assigned to you, who you will have to get permission to drive your energy wasting car, watch TV, or, the Lord forbid, go the potty where you will only be able to flush not more than once a day.
You feel the noose yet?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dry bones

Jacob, sometimes I get concerned. I know you have your plate full, but When you don't comment on a comment, I wonder whether my generation is or is not expressing views similar to your generation.
When I was working and had employees under me, we had an agreement. If I disagreed with something an employee said or did, I would say so. If an employee disagreed with something I said or did, he was to challenge me. In the end we might do things my way, OR maybe not.
All of us did better and were happy with this understanding.
What I am saying is-------------if you disagree with something I say, then please say so, and why.
We are a product of our environment and I have had 85 years of it, so my brain has been twisted, jolted, reprimanded, conjoled. "Facts" have been digested, accepted, and rejected. Knowledge has been stored, sometimes in recall, sometimes in secret and locked compartments, never to be seen or heard from again.
So, my friend, I want you to know I am very proud to call you my friend, and the last thing I want is for you to think of me as a babbling old coot who has passed his prime.
Advice is free, and often it is worth about what it cost.
October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Beloved U.S. Department of ?Education?

Did you know:

The U.S. Department of Education

1. Currently administers a budget of $63.7 billion in FY 2010 discretionary appropriations (including discretionary Pell Grant funding) and $96.8 billion in discretionary funding
(That’s $160 Billion)

2. Serves nearly 14,000 school districts and approximately 56 million students attending some 99,000 public schools and 34,000 private schools, and more than 14 million postsecondary students. (That’s 70,000,000 students)

3. Has 4200 employees

4. The United States constitution provides NO authority for the Federal Government to control EDUCATION. (DE admits “Education in America is primarily a State and local responsibility,” i.e: parents and teachers BUT……..)

5. Texas normally receives about $3.1 Billion in FED funds per year, or 10% of its education budget.

6. For that 10% Texas forfeits:
A. Its right to set the educational agenda
B. What can and cannot be taught
C. Control of the “school breakfast, lunch, and dinner” menu.
D. The right to determine the ratio of students/to/teacher.
E. The right, (to some extent) to attend school of choice.

7. Is withholding $830 million in allocated funds, because Texas will not agree to a DE demand that Texas violate its constitution. (A state-specific provision inserted into a federal law by a Democratic Texas congressman --U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, --requires that Republican Gov. Rick Perry promise Texas will maintain certain education spending levels through 2013 in order to get the funds. Perry has called the requirement unconstitutional because the Texas Constitution prohibits him from committing future state spending.)

8. The $160 Billion DE Budget also regulates and funds the following “couldn’t do without programs”!!
College and Career Ready Students (ESEA Title I Grants to LEAs)
School Turnaround Grants (School Improvement Grants)
Even Start
State Agency Program—Migrant
State Agency Program—Neglected and Delinquent
Improving Teacher Quality State Grants
Mathematics and Science Partnerships
Educational Technology State Grants
21st Century Community Learning Centers
Assessing Achievement (State Assessments)
Rural and Low-Income Schools Program
Small, Rural School Achievement Program
Indian Education—Grants to Local Educational Agencies
English Learner Education (Language Acquisition State Grants)
Homeless Children and Youth Education
Byrd Honors Scholarships
College Access Challenge Grants
Vocational Rehabilitation State Grants
Client Assistance State Grants
Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights
Services for Older Blind Individuals
Assistive Technology State Grants
Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology
Adult Basic and Literacy Education State Grants
English Literacy and Civics Education State Grants
State Grants for Workplace and Community Transition Training for Incarcerated Individuals

Beloved U.S. Department of ?Education?

Did you know:

The U.S. Department of Education

1. Currently administers a budget of $63.7 billion in FY 2010 discretionary appropriations (including discretionary Pell Grant funding) and $96.8 billion in discretionary funding
(That’s $160 Billion)

2. Serves nearly 14,000 school districts and approximately 56 million students attending some 99,000 public schools and 34,000 private schools, and more than 14 million postsecondary students. (That’s 70,000,000 students)

3. Has 4200 employees

4. The United States constitution provides NO authority for the Federal Government to control EDUCATION. (DE admits “Education in America is primarily a State and local responsibility,” i.e: parents and teachers BUT……..)

5. Texas normally receives about $3.1 Billion in FED funds per year, or 10% of its education budget.

6. For that 10% Texas forfeits:
A. Its right to set the educational agenda
B. What can and cannot be taught
C. Control of the “school breakfast, lunch, and dinner” menu.
D. The right to determine the ratio of students/to/teacher.
E. The right, (to some extent) to attend school of choice.

7. Is withholding $830 million in allocated funds, because Texas will not agree to a DE demand that Texas violate its constitution. (A state-specific provision inserted into a federal law by a Democratic Texas congressman --U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, --requires that Republican Gov. Rick Perry promise Texas will maintain certain education spending levels through 2013 in order to get the funds. Perry has called the requirement unconstitutional because the Texas Constitution prohibits him from committing future state spending.)

8. The $160 Billion DE Budget also regulates and funds the following “couldn’t do without programs”!!
College and Career Ready Students (ESEA Title I Grants to LEAs)
School Turnaround Grants (School Improvement Grants)
Even Start
State Agency Program—Migrant
State Agency Program—Neglected and Delinquent
Improving Teacher Quality State Grants
Mathematics and Science Partnerships
Educational Technology State Grants
21st Century Community Learning Centers
Assessing Achievement (State Assessments)
Rural and Low-Income Schools Program
Small, Rural School Achievement Program
Indian Education—Grants to Local Educational Agencies
English Learner Education (Language Acquisition State Grants)
Homeless Children and Youth Education
Byrd Honors Scholarships
College Access Challenge Grants
Vocational Rehabilitation State Grants
Client Assistance State Grants
Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights
Services for Older Blind Individuals
Assistive Technology State Grants
Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology
Adult Basic and Literacy Education State Grants
English Literacy and Civics Education State Grants
State Grants for Workplace and Community Transition Training for Incarcerated Individuals

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Water melon

We recently bought a watermelon in Llano and that started something. I had temporarily forgotten how much I like watermelon. Since then we have had watermelon in the refrigerator cut and ready to eat every day.
Watermelon always reminds me, too, of my boyhood in Emory, Texas. I was born there and lived there until I was 10.
The soil around Emory was sandy loam and very good for raising watermelons and cucumbers.
During the Summer, I and my boyhood friends did what boys did then. We left home in the morning headed for the woods and the creek, stayed all day, and came home in time for dinner. We had an old 12 gauge shotgun that we found in a burned down house, which we were able to repair and make it shoot. The barrel was warped a little, but that did not matter.
We spent some time hunting birds and rabbits, then it was swimming hole time, au natural, of course.
During watermelon season, the trip to the creek was always through a watermelon patch. You could always find a “lost” melon, which was just ripe for picking. It wasn’t like we were stealing, or anything. After all, it was lost, and we learned early in life “Finders, Keepers”.
The creek was spring fed and cool, so we put the melon in the water and by lunch time it was cold.
We did not have knives, so we simply raised the melon high and dropped it. That exposed the heart of the melon in all its glory. And I tell you, you have never experienced the real flavor of watermelon unless you just bust the melon and “eat the heart out”!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The COMMANDER has spoken

I wonder---What if BP gives Obama the finger and says Adios, Farewell, Goodbye, It's been sad to know you??
Jun 16, 6:44 AM EDT

After blasting BP, Obama now faces its leaders

Associated Press Writer

Latest News
After blasting BP, Obama now faces its leaders
FACT CHECK: Obama left blanks in oil spill speech

Obama to meet Wednesday with BP oil ex
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Fresh from admonishing BP before the world, President Barack Obama now gets his moment with the oil company's leaders. It will be on his turf and, he vowed to an angry nation, on his terms.

"We will make BP pay for the damage their company has caused,"Obama declared in his first Oval Office address, a venue often reserved for matters of war.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

BP oil spill

Katrina was a natural disaster. No one, not even our all powerful Federal Government or President Bush, could have prevented it.
Many wondered why President Bush didn’t just wave his hand and say “Go away”. When he did not, Katrina was added to a long list of “Bush’s fault”.
Now we have a Natural--Unnatural disaster in the Gulf. Oil, trapped thousands of feet under ground under tremendous pressure, is escaping through a hole in the ocean floor.
Our illustrious President immediately comes up with a solution--”PLUG THE HOLE!” “OR I AM COMING DOWN SOMETIME SOON AND KICK A..!”
Problem solved.
Makes you wonder why the BP people didn’t think of that themselves.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Obama mending fences

The nightmare continues.
Last week Obama & Co. pushed Obamacareless right down our throat. And gloated.
This week he is mending fences.
A trip to Afghan to "praise" the troop and to scold the big chief. Did you hear his words? Knowing from his past how he really feels, his syruppy words make you want to vomit.
Today His Highness has given his permission to drill off part of East Coast, some in the Gulf, and a tad in Alaska.
We are starving for oil, (although we have proven reserves greater than the middle east), and he throws out a cracker.
And now what will his next move to glorify himself?
Watch for it! It is coming.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A million new jobs?

Today, February 23, 2010 The White House claimed the $1,000,000,000,000 ( one trillion)stimulus created 1,000,000 new jobs in the past year.
Please forgive me if I don't appear to overwhelmed or over joyed, but even if this is true, which I doubt, my calculator tells me the cost per job was $1,000,000 (that's one million dollars) per created job of taxpayer money.
I am not stupid, but I am dumbfounded. Where is the rational in this? $1,000,000 per job? With 15,000,000 unemployed we could spend another $15 trillion and have zero unemployment.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Presidents Day

Today February 15, 2010, is designated Presidents Day by our dear Congress.

Two of our greatest presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, once had their own individual holidays, but now share this day.

George Washington was our first president and was the General who led our troups in the successful fight against the British Red coats, resulting in our freedom to govern ourselves.

Abraham Lincoln was president during the horrible civil war and he was called The Great Emancipator because the slaves were freed and the United States was united forever.

January 18, 2010 was Martin Luther King Holiday. We have this holiday because Martin Luther King had a dream.