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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A wondeful day

What a blessing. Obama did not make a speech today.

Monday, February 23, 2009


The Oscars
Last night the Make -Believe world awarded its Oscars to its best actors and actresses.
You know what an actor is, that is someone who can pretend to be someone he is not, speaking words someone told him to say, and make YOU think he is someone he is not.
There was a rumor early this morning that Obama is considering cancelling the Bailout Funds for Hollywood since he did not get an Oscar for BEST ACTOR.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

How much is $787 billion

"How much is $787 BILLION";
If you spend $1,000,000 a day for a year you would spend
$365,000,000 1year
$3,650,000,000 10 years
$36,500,000,000 100 years
$365,000,000,000 1000 years
$730,000,000,000 2000 years
After 2000 years (that's two thousand years) you would still have pocket change of
$57,000,000,000 (that's billion)
So how much is $787 billion.? I have no concept and I doubt that you do. Our idiots in Washington, count all of them, have no concept either, but they voted blindfolded to spend it.
Is this the America you once knew and loved?
Is this CHANGE for the better or have we been sold down the river? Seems to me we are falling off a cliff with no parachute, or even a back pack to cushion the fall.
The Titanic which was America has run into an iceberg and is taking on water.
What's that old saying "Be careful what you wish for. You might get it"

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Obama "Castle in the sky"

Quote " We must pass the Stimulus Bill without delay, or face a terrible depression"
Soooo, they passed it on Friday, 2/13/2009. He could have signed it then.
Soooo, what does he do? He and "friend" Joe Biden get in his "castle in the sky" Airforce one and fly out to Denver, burning at least 10,000 gallons of jet fuel, arrange a big meeting,
and there before GOD and everybody, he signs the bill.
Then, he flys back to Washington, DC, burning another 10,000 gallons of jet fuel.
And all this happened after he spent last week jumping from one state to another in his "castle in the sky" , burning jet fuel like crazy, selling his doom and gloom, sky is falling, message about his Stimulus bill.
For some reason, how to justify this waste escapes me. And I wonder, what have we done to ourselves?
BJM 2/18/2009
PS: Please keep tires properly inflated. Help save oil.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Government gone wild

I get sick thinking of what Obama & the democrats have done and are doing to the land of the once free and home for all of us, including the idiots now in charge of destroying it.
Gov. of the people, by the people, and for the people will soon be:
Government up to the eyeballs for the many, by the few, for the few!!!