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Monday, September 29, 2008

Not surprised

Today the stock market Industrials went down 777 points.
Today the Democrat House failed to pass something billed as a "Rescue Package".
Why am I not surptised?
In 2000 President Bush inherited an economy in recession left over from the Clinton PRESIDENCY. Tax cuts invigorated the economy and for 6 years, in spite of the 9/11 attack,
unemployment was 4% and the market hit record highs.
The Gore hate campaign from 2000 never let up and President Bush has been under constant attack and blamed for everything bad, 9/11, Iraq, Katrina----anything.
So, in 2006 the Democrats got a majority in congress and we inherited two mentally deficient majority leaders in Pelosi and Dingy Harry.
Result: absolutely nothing accomplished by Congress and an approval rating of 8%. (Not Bush's fault)And the economy has slowly deteriorated, and gasoline went to over $4.00 per gallon. (Bush's fault)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Just thinking

Dear friends, I have been thinking again, a dangerous situation.
But I come by it naturally, so don’t criticize me.
I have been watching TV today and listening to all the words the congressmen, Fed chief, and Secretary of the Treasury reguritated.
$700,000,000 is how much money? I don’t know.
Where is it coming from? I don’t know.
Where is it going? I don’t know.
Will it be paid back? I don’t know.
Will it really solve the problem? I don’t know.
What is the problem? I don’t know.
If we don’t know what the problem is, how will we know it is fixed? I don’t know.
Do I understand the problem as well as the congressmen, Fed chief, and Secretary of the Treasury? I think so.
Can I solve the problem? Definitely no!!
So we are left with an imbecilick Congress who will pass a bill intended to solve the problem, which will be followed by an imbecilick Congress passing a bill to solve the problems created by the first bill, which will be followed by an imbecilick Congress passing a bill to solve the problems created by the second bill, and so on and soforth.
Conclusion: You, my friend, the American taxpayer, will pay for it, your children and grandchildren will pay for it.
In the meantime a bunch of CEO’s will ride off in the sunset with their saddlebags full of your money.
Is this a helpless feeling or not?

Friday, September 12, 2008


I hope you watched the Gibson-Palin interview.
I did and I was very impressed with Sarah’s answers.
But did you notice Charles Gibson’s glasses on the tip of his nose as he looked over them and down on Sarah. Gibson was condescending, brash, demanding. He was arrogantly delighting in his power position over this poor mayor from a small town. He had her cornered and at his mercy, and probably thinking his notoriety with making this first interview will help his next book sell millions of copies.
He thought.
As I recall, his brief interview with BO was as mealy mouthed as they come.
So sad. He would not talk to a man the way he talked to Sarah.
Charles, you made a fool of yourself, and it couldn’t happen to a snotery guy. And snotery is not mispelled.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Today Michelle Obama was guest of Ellen Degenerate. She seemed to enjoy the comraderie of this lesbian, laughing, telling jokes, but at the same time trying to portray herself as a "working" mother, and loyal wife, and future first lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Her appearance put a stamp of approval on the statement below about her husband BO, Barrack Hussien Obama.

Examination of his U.S. Senate voting record reveals him to be a hard leftist. A little-reported letter from the candidate to the "LGBT community" (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender/transsexual people) declares Obama's enthusiastic solidarity with the radical homosexual-rights agenda. His long-time spiritual mentor and pastor turns out to be a rabid, racist, America-hater who claims the U.S. invented AIDS to wipe out black people. Bloggers are even piecing together an intriguing case that Obama, a Muslim in his youth, may still be a closet Muslim.