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Monday, September 8, 2008


Today Michelle Obama was guest of Ellen Degenerate. She seemed to enjoy the comraderie of this lesbian, laughing, telling jokes, but at the same time trying to portray herself as a "working" mother, and loyal wife, and future first lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Her appearance put a stamp of approval on the statement below about her husband BO, Barrack Hussien Obama.

Examination of his U.S. Senate voting record reveals him to be a hard leftist. A little-reported letter from the candidate to the "LGBT community" (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender/transsexual people) declares Obama's enthusiastic solidarity with the radical homosexual-rights agenda. His long-time spiritual mentor and pastor turns out to be a rabid, racist, America-hater who claims the U.S. invented AIDS to wipe out black people. Bloggers are even piecing together an intriguing case that Obama, a Muslim in his youth, may still be a closet Muslim.

1 comment:

BJ said...

See this clip............????Slip????