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Thursday, October 2, 2008


enigma - something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained
I am experiencing an ENIGMA.
We are in the middle of an election campaign.
We are in the middle of a financial crisis.
My enigma is this:
1. We have a 44 year old woman running for vice-president who has been the reform mayor of a small town and is currently a very successful reform governor of a state with a 68% approval rating. By any measuring stick this qualifies as EXPERIENCE. Reagan was a governor. Clinton was a governor. Bush was a governor. But the media keeps saying she has no experience and is not qualified to be vice-president or president.
2. We have a 45 year old man running for President who has been a "Community Organizer", a state senator with no voting record or accomplishments, a US senator for 20 months with no voting record or accomplishments, 19 of which he has been running for president. By any measuring stick this qualifies as NO EXPERIENCE. But the media has ordained him as next PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND SAVIOR OF US ALL.
3. The woman has limited foreign policy experience and is condemned for it.
4. The man has limited foreign policy experience, but it is never mentioned and is no problem.
5. The financial crisis HAS BEEN CAUSED PRIMARILY BY GREED COUPLED WITH GROSS AMOUNTS OF STUPIDITY. By law, passed by our beloved Congress, Banks, Fannie & Freddie and others were FORCED to make loans for houses and small businesses, many recipients of which were totally unqualified and unable to pay back the loans.
6. Part of this blame goes to an organization called ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now . ACORN threatened, intimidated, and bullied banks and savings and loans to make loans to unqualified persons. They successfully threatened congressmen to pass laws requiring banks and others to make unqualified loans.
7. The man was a community organizer on the payroll of ACORN. His job was to train rabble-rousers how to coerce and intimidate banks into making these loans. Would you call that good experience to be president? Congressman or Senator maybe, but not President!!!!
8. enigma - something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained
BJM 01/2/2008

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