Welcome to bj'sdoghouse

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Greetings and welcome to bjsdoghouse where we have fun, get serious, or ingage in foolishness.
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Today's topic is weather. 108 F. on Sunday, 107F. on Monday, estimate 105 F, today, Aug. 5, 2008.
The only worse, I guess, would be NO WEATHER AT ALL.
It has not rained at our house in weeks. The grass is turning brown because I can't water enough and I dread getting our next water bill. If it is what I think it will be, I plan to let the grass suffer like I do.
I been saying Al Gore is some kind of nut, but on second thought, I guess he is pretty smart.
He is making millions promoting his "global warming" theory. As PT Barnum said " there is a sucker born every minute", and Al has proven there are millions of them out there just waiting for some quack like Gore to come along, so they can prove what suckers they really are.
PS: The ocean may be rising but Al hasn't sold his beach fron house yet.

1 comment:

damnyankeeboston said...

Hey BJ:

Nice going with your blog.

When you start rapping our friendship may diminish...