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Friday, August 29, 2008

A blessed day!

Palin is McCain's boldest gamble
Will potential appeal to women voters outweigh the risks?

Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain introduces his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, in Dayton, Ohio, on Friday.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

BO day in denver

Today is BO day in Denver. TGIF is tomorrow. Thank goodness.
All week it has been bragg on BO, endorse BO, praise BO, exhalt BO, revere BO, worship the new messiah BO, until finally the initials BO begin to really fit.
Still I wonder what has happened to the middle name Hussian?
Why has he dropped it? Why has the media chosen to ignore it?
Tonight you will hear about change. change! change! change! change! change! change! change! change! change! change! change! change! change! change!
Change what?
The economy? True the economy is not as good as President Bush’s first 6 years. It was great. Unemployment was at an all time low. The Dow Jones average hit all time highs. WHAT HAPPENED?
Well, for one thing the Democrats kept harping on the Iraq war, how Bush stole the election in 2000, how many millions do not have health care, can’t get an education, how poverty has increased, and how nothing is right about the Republicans.
They sold this bill of goods to enough people that in 2006 we ended up with a "we are going to fix everything" Democratic majority in the house and senate.
Please note: In two years they have fixed nothing and the economy is going down hill fast. We have ended up with the most incompetent Speaker of the house and Senate Majority leader we have ever had.
An with an approval rating of 8%!!!!!!
And it is president Bush’s fault.
They are telling us "With our Messiah BO will now be able to change America from what it is to what it should be."
Should be?
The son of a white woman and a so-called black man, (who abandoned him at an early age), raised by his single mother and grandparents has risen from the ashes. He was educated at an elite university few white people can afford, married a woman who says she loves America for the first time, (She also got a free education at the same university), lives in a multi-million dollar house, and honored by the State of Illinois by electing him to the United States Senate two years ago.
Now he has been nomonated as the Democratic candidate to run for President of the United States.
Change what?
America was founded on a belief in God and the moral principles of Christianity. Change that?
We have had a "goverment of the people, by the people, and for the people". Change that?
Would socialism be better? Would communism be better?
How about just a little socialism? Not much. just a little.
We (liberal democrats) know better how America should be. For one thing we have too many poor people. As we have told you and told you, to solve this we will take the money and property from the working people (haves) and give it to the unemployed, immigrants, and other poor people (havenots).
Then instead of having three classes of people, poor, middle class and upper class, we will only have two classes, those 100% dependent on government and Us!!! the elite!!!
Change what?
Some times change is good.
I change my underwear every day, more often if necessary. That is good change.
Some times change is bad.
I could decide not to wear underwear. That would be change. That would be bad change.
So, what are we getting with BO? Good or bad change?
Frankly, when he says something like the following, I get real worried:
........'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.' -- Barack Obama

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Jan & Jon
I thought you might want to frame this for posterity!!!!

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I noticed where Ellen Degeneration at age 50 married a 35 year old blond that he has been dating for 4 years.
He said I couldn't be happier. Now I have some one to cook for me and clean house.
Nothing was said about children, but I wonder why they waited this long to marry. Could it be his bride is pregnant and they got married for the anticipated child's sake.
The article did not say if the bride was taking his name or not.
I don't know if this is the first marriage for both or not, but they both wore white. He wore a white pants suite and she the traditional bridal gown.
The attending guests were a rogue gallery of Hollywood degenerates.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Don't drink the water

Near Fredericksburg, Texas, where there is a large German-speaking population, a farmer walking down a country road notices a man drinking from his pond, with his hand.The German man shouts: 'Trink das wasser nicht. Die kuhen haben dahin gesheissen.'Which means: 'Don't drink the water, the cows have crapped in it.
'The man shouts back: 'I'm from New York and just down here campaigning for Obama, I can't understand you. Please speak in English.
'The German man says: 'Use two hands, you'll get more.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Yards signs

I see where BO and McCain are charging for yard signs. In other words, they are saying if you want to advertise me, PAY ME!
To which I say---Kiss my grits!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Strange day

Sometimes my rememberer kicks in and I remember something from long ago. Sometimes it is something that happened even before I was born.
Today I thought about Tom Jefferson's statement "A government big enough to give you every thing you want is big enough to take everything you got."
And that really sent me off in a tangent. I remembered such things as our CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS, AND GOD AND UNALIENABLE RIGHTS.
How wonderful it was in the beginning. Our nation was founded on Christian principles with a motto "In God we trust". It was on our money, the 10 commandments were in every courthouse and statehouse and on the Supreme Court building and in all the schools. Congress started each day with a prayer.
We welcomed immigrants who wanted to share our heritage, NOT change it. And America prospered and became strong. It also became compassionate, and was willing to share our good fortune with others. We believed in liberty and human rights, and the dignity of human beings.
Suddenly, as I looked around at America today, all this seemed like a dream.
God is no longer in the courthouse, or schools, or state houses. God and Christianity can be blasphemed, and the bible can be desecrated------but don't mess with Allah or the Koran.
And that makes me think about our two candidates for President. One is an American who believes in America and loves this country. The other one---I don't know. He says he wants to CHANGE America. How? Back like in the beginning? (I THINK NOT.) Or changes that will lead to the further destruction of our America, to a socialist, communistic America, to a muslim America, and the elimination of our "UNALIENABLE RIGHTS?"
Thanks for listening.

Friday, August 8, 2008

OK- obama out of Iraq

McCain Backs Timeline to Get Obama Out of Iraq
Posted By Scott Ott On July 20, 2008 @ 7:50 am In Global News, Media/Journalism, Politics 55 Comments
(2008-07-20) — Republican presidential nominee John McCain today for the first time said he can now support a timeline to reduce the American presence in Iraq, specifically advocating the withdrawal from Iraq of Democrat presidential nominee Barack Obama, and several battalions of U.S. news anchors and reporters.
“It’s time to bring them home,” said Sen. McCain at a news conference attended by a journalism intern from the Des Moines Register. “The surge has worked, and it’s time to redeploy.”
Sen. McCain said bringing Sen. Obama home would help to ensure that “people in the U.S., who desperately need media attention, will get the help they deserve.”
Our mainstream media forces are stretched too thin,” he said. “If news should break here in the homeland, who’s going to cover it? We’re vulnerable.”

Get Obama out of Iraq


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

BJ, Clarene, & bowling champ JUstin

Justin beat us in bowling and won all the money.

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death penalty

Last nite Mexican-born Jose' Medellin was executed. How cruel.
In 1993 he raped and tortured two teenage girls in Houston, then killed them.
This is 2008. That was 15 years ago. During that time Texas has given him free room and board, free medical care, fed him and bought his clothes, and provided a "sitter" 24 hours a day, courtesy of Texas taxpayers.
All this benevolence cost about $30, 000/year or about $450,000 over the 15 year period.
Is Texas law kind, caring, and compassionate OR NOT?
Mexico "says" they don't believe in capital punishment, so maybe we should have returned him to Mexico and forget what he did. Later, then, he could slip through out porous border and repeat the crime.
Supreme Court bleeding heart Justice Stephen Breyer said to permit the execution would place the United States "in violation of international law and breaks our treaty promises."
Since when did we discard our laws and replace them with INTERNATIONAL LAW????
Finally, I have to ask the question: What kind of animal does it take to rape, torture, and kill two teenage girls?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


This blogging is new to old folks so I am trying to see if I can repeat the 1st one.
Computers make me nervous.


Greetings and welcome to bjsdoghouse where we have fun, get serious, or ingage in foolishness.
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Today's topic is weather. 108 F. on Sunday, 107F. on Monday, estimate 105 F, today, Aug. 5, 2008.
The only worse, I guess, would be NO WEATHER AT ALL.
It has not rained at our house in weeks. The grass is turning brown because I can't water enough and I dread getting our next water bill. If it is what I think it will be, I plan to let the grass suffer like I do.
I been saying Al Gore is some kind of nut, but on second thought, I guess he is pretty smart.
He is making millions promoting his "global warming" theory. As PT Barnum said " there is a sucker born every minute", and Al has proven there are millions of them out there just waiting for some quack like Gore to come along, so they can prove what suckers they really are.
PS: The ocean may be rising but Al hasn't sold his beach fron house yet.