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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dec. 1, 2009
Global warming.
What is it? Is it good? Is it bad? Is it real? Or is it a scam? Is CO2 the villian some claim?

I don't know, But, lets explore the subject.

People and animals breath in air, extract the oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. And there are added to this old earth millions of new people every year, all of them exhaling carbon dioxide. Should we tell the world "No more kids!" and maybe castrate all men. That might work. Eventually, there would be no humans left. Problem solved.
Burning fossil fuel, wood, paper, sulfur, in fact everything that will burn requires oxygen and more carbon dioxide is generated.
Autos and combustion engines, coal and gas burning power plants generate a lot of carbon dioxide.
Should we turn out the lights and park the car and do without heat when it is cold? (That is what the GLOBAL WARMING idio....s have planned for us)

Is this bad? Could this be good? Well, let's see.

What is carbon dioxide good for? Some enviro-wackos say it causes GLOBAL WARMING , and IS melting the ice on the north and south poles. This is going to cause the ocean to run over the spillway, cover a lot of precious land now occupied by beachfront homes, many of which are owned by some enviro-wackos. (Al Gore has not sold his home on the beach) Strange place to live if you know they are going to be flooded. So if this is right, adding more and more carbon dioxide is a bad thing. THEY SAY!

But trees, bushes, corn, cabbage, watermelons, grapevines, mango trees,, rose bushes, and millions of other plants inhale carbon dioxide and EXHALE OXYGEN.

Thank goodness. Animals (and, lest we forget, PEOPLE are animals,) must have oxygen.
Plants need carbon dioxide. What a deal. We keep adding millions and millions of people breathing out carbon dioxide. So we have a surplus of the stuff that plants love so they are happy breathing it in and giving off the oxygen which we have to have more and more of, to take care of the millions and millions of new people.

The plants, being happy, multiply, grow faster and bigger, breathing more CO2 and exhaling more oxygen, produce fruit, veggies, nuts, etc., and make seeds. Seeds fall to the ground, germinate, make more plants that need carbon dioxide so they can exhale more oxygen for those millions and millions of new people.

I don't know about you, but it seems to like God has created a perpetual motion machine.
So if the world is getting warmer, maybe that too, is part of the plan. We once had an ice-age and there was lots of ice and it was cold. Dinasours were frozen in their tracks.
But eventually the earth warmed up and much of the ice melted, but the earth did not have all these billions of people and animals and carbon dioxide making machines.
SO........Without "excess" carbon dioxide, why did the earth get warmer? Maybe it was part of the plan.
The earth is in perfect harmony with itself. The sun rises and sets every day right on schedule. The sun shines, the winds blow and the rains come to cleanse the air and water the earth. It is synchronized better than the finest watch. Every thing is predictable. For example, we can know what time the sun will rise in New York city on May 10, 2107 to the nearest 1/1000 of a second. Like the earth the solar system also is in perfect harmony, and just as predictable.

God apparently has a master plan and man with his feeble brain can’t mess it up.

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